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Allgemein Publications

Renewed impetus for Stone Age research in the eastern Free State (South Africa) centred on Rose Cottage Cave

Schmid, V.C., Wadley, L., Brandl, M., Guillemard, I., Rhodes, S.E., Taipale, N., Witelson, D.M., Börner, M., Cnuts, D., Hodgskiss, T., Murungi, M., Nigst, P.R., Porraz, G., Puech, E., Rots, V., Stahlschmidt, M.C., Stelzer, S., Teyssandier, N., Tribolo, C., Val, A., van Schalkwyk, L., Archer, W., 2024. Renewed impetus for Stone Age research in the eastern Free State (South Africa) centred on Rose Cottage Cave. South African Archaeological Bulletin 79, 105. read more

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Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (p-XRF) Colloquia Series – First lecture on 12th of February

The Global p-XRF Network ( initiated by HEAS-member Michaela Schauer (VIAS) and the European Academy of Sciences & Arts/STEMAC Expert Group represented by Ioannis Liritzis, are organising a series of online colloquia to explore the use of portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) in archaeology and cultural heritage. Since its introduction in the 1950s, pXRF has evolved from bulky, radioactive instruments to compact, handheld devices, now widely used across multiple industries. Despite these advancements, challenges remain in defining standards for accuracy, precision, and guidelines for archaeological and cultural heritage applications. The colloquia aim to provide a platform for knowledge exchange, offering expert presentations from both natural sciences and humanities. Each session includes 30-minute talks by specialists from archaeology and natural sciences, followed by a 30-minute discussion. The first lecture of the series is scheduled for 12th of February 2025 from 06:00–07:30 pm CET. Sofia Soares (with Teresa Pena and Patrícia Jodão) will present on the topic Which Rock is This? - Challenges for pXRF Studies in Raw Material Provenance Michelle Richards will be discussing pXRF for Geochemical Rock Classification in Archaeometry: A Pacific Case Study Interested participants are invited to join the lecture and share this information with their peers! The Zoom room can be accessed here. More information about the colloquium series is available on the networks website and the EASA website.…

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Ancient DNA reveals reproductive barrier despite shared Avar-period culture

Wang, K., Tobias, B., Pany-Kucera, D., Berner, M., Eggers, S., Gnecchi-Ruscone, G.A., Zlámalová, D., Gretzinger, J., Ingrová, P., Rohrlach, A.B., Tuke, J., Traverso, L., Klostermann, P., Koger, R., Friedrich, R., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., Kirchengast, S., Liccardo, S., Wabnitz, S., Vida, T., Geary, P.J., Daim, F., Pohl, W., Krause, J., Hofmanová, Z., 2025. Ancient DNA reveals reproductive barrier despite shared Avar-period culture. Nature. read more

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A sedimentary ancient DNA perspective on human and carnivore persistence through the Late Pleistocene in El Mirón Cave, Spain.

Gelabert, P., Oberreiter, V., Straus, L.G., Morales, M.R.G., Sawyer, S., Marín-Arroyo, A.B., Geiling, J.M., Exler, F., Brueck, F., Franz, S., Cano, F.T., Szedlacsek, S., Zelger, E., Hämmerle, M., Zagorc, B., Llanos-Lizcano, A., Cheronet, O., Tejero, J.-M., Rattei, T., Kraemer, S.M., Pinhasi, R., 2025. A sedimentary ancient DNA perspective on human and carnivore persistence through the Late Pleistocene in El Mirón Cave, Spain. Nature Communications 16, 107. read more

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News Allgemein

HEAS Member Katerina Douka Awarded Consolidator ERC Grant

HEAS Team Leader Katerina Douka was recently awarded a Consolidator ERC grant. ERC Consolidator Grants are awarded to exceptional mid-career researchers who have established themselves as independent investigators and are ready to further solidify their role as research leaders. These grants support groundbreaking projects with the potential to significantly advance their field. New fossils expected to reveal more about how humans evolved Modern humans (Homo sapiens) evolved in Africa, dispersed into Eurasia, and by ~60,000 years ago they reached Sahul, the supercontinent that connected present-day Australia, Papua New Guinea and Tasmania. This remarkable human migration, from the East African Rift to the Pacific Rim, enabled the genetic admixture of Homo sapiens with other hominin species, such as Neanderthals and Denisovans, who evolved and lived outside Africa for millennia. The genetic exchanges between archaic hominins and Homo sapiens contributed to the diversity, resilience, and adaptive capacities of modern humans today. However, our knowledge of the human groups that inhabited Africa 100,000 years ago, and those who migrated and subsequently reached Sahul, remains limited due to the lack of fossil and molecular data. RIFT-to-RIM, the new ERC CoG project led by Assoc. Prof. Douka, aims to fill this gap. The project's principal objective is the discovery and analysis of new early modern human fossils from under-researched parts of the world. State-of-the-art paleoproteomic…

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HEAS Member Michaela Schauer awarded the Internationaler Philippika-Preis 2023

HEAS member Michaela Schauer was awarded the International Philippika Prize for her PhD on the 25th October 2024. More information on the prize and Michaela's work:  

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Early human collective practices and symbolism in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Southwest Asia

Barzilai, O., Marder, O., Tejero, J.-M., Ayalon, A., Bar-Matthews, M., Abulafia, T., Lavi, R., Goder-Goldberger, M., Shemer, M., Edeltin, L., Wiegmann, A., Frumkin, A., Karasik, A., Yasur, G., Yeshurun, R., Zohar, I., Berna, F., Hans, M., Goldberg, J.S., McDermott, Y., Spurlock, L., Pokhojaev, A., Habashi, W., May, H., Sarig, R., Hershkovitz, I., 2024. Early human collective practices and symbolism in the Early Upper Paleolithic of Southwest Asia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2404632121. read more

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Social and genetic diversity in first farmers of central Europe

Gelabert, P., Bickle, P., Hofmann, D., Teschler-Nicola, M., Anders, A., Huang, X., Hämmerle, M., Olalde, I., Fournier, R., Ringbauer, H., Akbari, A., Cheronet, O., Lazaridis, I., Broomandkhoshbacht, N., Fernandes, D.M., Buttinger, K., Callan, K., Candilio, F., Bravo Morante, G., Curtis, E., Ferry, M., Keating, D., Freilich, S., Kearns, A., Harney, É., Lawson, A.M., Mandl, K., Michel, M., Oberreiter, V., Zagorc, B., Oppenheimer, J., Sawyer, S., Schattke, C., Özdoğan, K.T., Qiu, L., Workman, J.N., Zalzala, F., Mallick, S., Mah, M., Micco, A., Pieler, F., Pavuk, J., Šefčáková, A., Lazar, C., Starović, A., Djuric, M., Krznarić Škrivanko, M., Šlaus, M., Bedić, Ž., Novotny, F., D. Szabó, L., Cserpák-Laczi, O., Hága, T., Szolnoki, L., Hajdú, Z., Mirea, P., Nagy, E.G., Virág, Z.M., Horváth M, A., Horváth, L.A., T. Biró, K., Domboróczki, L., Szeniczey, T., Jakucs, J., Szelekovszky, M., Zoltán, F., Sztáncsuj, S.J., Tóth, K., Csengeri, P., Pap, I., Patay, R., Putica, A., Vasov, B., Havasi, B., Sebők, K., Raczky, P., Lovász, G., Tvrdý, Z., Rohland, N., Novak, M., Ruttkay, M., Krošláková, M., Bátora, J., Paluch, T., Borić, D., Dani, J., Kuhlwilm, M., Palamara, P.F., Hajdu, T., Pinhasi, R., Reich, D., 2024. Social and genetic diversity in first farmers of central Europe. Nature Human Behaviour.   read more

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Blog Posts


Bhavna Ahlawat is our first Junior Intern and is visiting HEAS currently working on exciting new research concerned with biomolecules from ancient Indian sites. I am a molecular biologist specializing in ancient DNA and population genetics, focusing on different archaeological sites in India. During my doctoral research at Panjab University and BSIP, India, I honed my skills in ancient DNA protocols while working in India's first dedicated aDNA facility, which specializes in analyzing degraded DNA from tropical samples. My expertise in diverse extraction and library preparation protocols was significant in generating high-quality data from critical human skeletal remains, including samples from the Vadnagar archaeological complex and the Indus Valley Civilization site at Lothal (∼2200 BCE). Currently, as a research intern with HEAS at the University of Vienna, I am exploring the application of Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) on a variety of bone remains of different species from South Asia—an under-researched region in this context. My work focuses on: 1. Species Identification: Utilizing peptide mass fingerprinting through MALDI-ToF-MS for South Asian samples. 2. Degraded Collagen Analysis: Investigating the potential of ZooMS for analyzing fragile and degraded bone collagen from this region. Through this research, I aim to bridge gaps in South Asian archaeogenetics and develop methodologies for studying ancient remains in challenging environments and understand the hman animal interaction. I…

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HEAS member Gerhard Weber starts a new FWF Project to study the 3D morphology of human postcanine teeth

HEAS member Gerhard Weber starts a new FWF Project to study the 3D morphology of human postcanine teeth. Petra Simkova will be employed as PostDoc, Jana Pfneiszl will start a PhD in the project. In this project we undertake the first comprehensive 3D study of human teeth, more precisely of the tooth crowns of canines, premolars, and molars from the upper and lower dentition. We will also include milk teeth. Despite the long history of dental research in anthropology and medicine, progress in studying the three-dimensional geometry of teeth has only been made recently. How the 3D shape and size of individual tooth types are related to each other, how they vary between different human populations, and which individual regions of these teeth show more or less variation remains largely unknown. This project fills the gaps in our knowledge on human dental anatomy, provides comparable data, and lays the foundations for future work to unravel the associations between teeth and genes. We have defined four major aims: 1) Investigate the 3D shape and size variation of the upper and lower dentition in a geographically diverse sample of modern humans, 2) study the shape variation in different tooth regions, namely those regions that touch each other during chewing and those which do not touch, 3) examine the 3D shape relationships between…

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20th anniversary of the Laboratory for scanning electron microscopy at the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science (VIAS), University Vienna, 14.11.2024, 15:00

Organisation: Dr. Ing. Mathias Mehofer, VIAS, University Vienna In the year 2004 the scanning electron microscopy laboratory was funded at the Vienna Institute for Archaeological Science, University of Vienna. Initiated within the FWF project (P 16489) "The Gold Treasure from Sannicolau Mare (Nagyszentmiklós)" under the direction of Gen. Dir. Prof. Dr. F. Daim, it was used to conduct technological and material analysis of this outstanding early medieval gold treasure, which is nowadays housed in the Antikensammlung, Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna (KHM). The scanning electron microscope played a pivotal role in this work and has since been utilized in many other research projects addressing various scientific questions. Anorganic and organic materials of all kind were analysed, contributing to archaeometric research and numerous publications. The planned anniversary event on November 14, 2024 aims to reflect on the scientific activities of the past 20 years and present outstanding research results. We warmly invite you to join us in celebrating this anniversary. Where: Department of Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology University Vienna Franz Klein Gasse 1/3rd floor 1190 Vienna lecture room 7 (HS7) When: 14.11.2024, 15-17 pm, followed by a get-together with a buffet and good vine.   We kindly ask you to register by 07.11.2024 at Jubiläum_20_Jahre-REM_VIAS_Universität_Wien_  

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Allgemein Publications

Datenkontrolle, -aufbereitung und -auswertung portabler Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysen (p-RFA) mit dem Bruker Tracer 5i No 900F398 an silikatischem Material des Brandopferplatzes bei Farchant, Lkr. Garmisch-Partenkirchen

Schauer, Michaela: Datenkontrolle, -aufbereitung und -auswertung portabler Röntgenfluoreszenzanalysen (p-RFA) mit dem Bruker Tracer 5i No 900F398 an silikatischem Material des Brandopferplatzes bei Farchant, Lkr. Garmisch-Partenkirchen. 31. Juli 2024. Open Data LMU. 10.5282/ubm/data.536   read more

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HEAS members So Jung Han and Martin Kuhlwilm publish study of the evolutionary history of bonobos

In a new study in Current Biology, HEAS members So Jung Han and Martin Kuhlwilm together with an international team, improve our understanding of bonobos. Bonobos are, together with chimpanzees, our closest living relatives, but the genetic structure of their population was so far not well understood. They show that three genetically distinct bonobo groups of inferred Central, Western and Far-Western geographic origin exist within the bonobo range. Their split times are up to ~145,000 years ago, which similar to that of some chimpanzee subspecies. This highlights the need of attention to bonobo substructure, which is fundamental both to understand their evolutionary past and preserve their future. Press Release (In German)   More information

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Improved detection of methylation in ancient DNA

Sawyer, S., Gelabert, P., Yakir, B., Llanos-Lizcano, A., Sperduti, A., Bondioli, L., Cheronet, O., Neugebauer-Maresch, C., Teschler-Nicola, M., Novak, M., Pap, I., Szikossy, I., Hajdu, T., Moiseyev, V., Gromov, A., Zariņa, G., Meshorer, E., Carmel, L., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Improved detection of methylation in ancient DNA. Genome Biology 25, 261. read more

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Exposure and connectedness to natural environments: An examination of the measurement invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups

Swami, V., White, M.P., Voracek, M., Tran, U.S., Aavik, T., Ranjbar, H.A., Adebayo, S.O., Afhami, R., Ahmed, O., Aimé, A., Akel, M., Al Halbusi, H., Alexias, G., Ali, K.F., Alp-Dal, N., Alsalhani, A.B., Álvarez-Solas, S., Soares Amaral, A.C., Andrianto, S., Aspden, T., Argyrides, M., Aruta, J.J.B.R., Atkin, S., Ayandele, O., Baceviciene, M., Bahbouh, R., Ballesio, A., Barron, D., Bellard, A., Bender, S., Beydaǧ, K.D., Birovljević, G., Blackburn, M.-È., Borja-Alvarez, T., Borowiec, J., Bozogáňová, M., Bratland-Sanda, S., Browning, M.E.M., Brytek-Matera, A., Burakova, M., Çakır-Koçak, Y., Camacho, P., Camilleri, V.E., Cazzato, V., Cerea, S., Chaiwutikornwanich, A., Chaleeraktrakoon, T., Chambers, T., Chen, Q.-W., Chen, X., Chien, C.-L., Chobthamkit, P., Choompunuch, B., Compte, E.J., Corrigan, J., Cosmas, G., Cowden, R.G., Czepczor-Bernat, K., Czub, M., Roberto da Silva, W., Dadfar, M., Dalley, S.E., Dany, L., Datu, J.A.D., Berbert de Carvalho, P.H., Lins de Holanda Coelho, G., De Jesus, A.O.S., Debbabi, S.H., Dhakal, S., Di Bernardo, F., Dimitrova, D.D., Dion, J., Dixson, B., Donofrio, S.M., Drysch, M., Du, H., Dzhambov, A.M., El-Jor, C., Enea, V., Eskin, M., Farbod, F., Farrugia, L., Fian, L., Fisher, M.L., Folwarczny, M., Frederick, D.A., Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., Furnham, A., García, A.A., Geller, S., Ghisi, M., Ghorbani, A., Gomez Martinez, M.A., Gradidge, S., Graf, S., Grano, C., Gyene, G., Hallit, S., Hamdan, M., Handelzalts, J.E., Hanel, P.P., Hawks, S.R., Hekmati, I., Helmy, M.,…

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Blog Posts

HEAS Excursion to Hallstatt’s Prehistoric Salt Mine: A Journey Through Time

On Friday, October 4th, 2024, 17 members of the Human Evolution and Archaeological Science (HEAS) research network from the University of Vienna set off for a remarkable two-day excursion to Hallstatt, a UNESCO World Heritage Site famous for its prehistoric salt mines. The group, split into two rented vans, arrived in Hallstatt in the afternoon, where they were warmly welcomed by Dr. Georg Tiefengraber and Daniel Brandner, along with Bernd Paulowitz, the UNESCO Site Manager, and the head of the Hallstatt Museum. The first day unfolded with a guided tour through the museum, where the group marveled at exceptional archaeological finds from the Hallstatt prehistoric cemetery and the salt mines. The artifacts, meticulously preserved, offered a window into the life and practices of the region’s ancient inhabitants. Following the museum tour, the group visited the iconic photographic viewpoint of Hallstatt, capturing views of the beautiful village, before continuing to the church Mariä Himmelfahrt and the famous ossuary, known for its collection of painted skulls. After a joint dinner, the group embarked on an evening hike, led by Daniel Brandner, up the mountain to the research center. Along the way, they encountered numerous fire salamanders, which added an extra touch to the excursion. The second day began with the remaining members of the group, who had stayed in Obertraun, joining via…

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HEAS Member Pere Gelabert receives a ERC Starting Grant for studying human-carnivore interactions through the Paleolithic

Caves have long served as critical habitats for both humans and carnivores during the Pleistocene. Traditionally, research has focused primarily on humans, often overlooking the role of carnivores in these ecosystems. Additionally, carnivores are frequently absent from the archaeological record as their activities may not leave behind remains indicating they perished in caves. Pere Gelabert’s SHADOWS project aims to broaden our understanding of how these carnivores coexisted with humans, competed for resources, and ultimately faced extinction. The project will utilize advanced techniques such as high spatiotemporal precision sampling for sediment DNA and paleoproteomics. This research will enhance our knowledge of the biological processes leading to extinction and offer crucial insights for the protection of critically endangered species today. The team will generate comprehensive data on these species, particularly focusing on their later occurrences, to detail the process of genetic erosion. Additionally, the team will develop models to better explain carnivore-human interactions and co-evolutionary patterns, aspects that are essential for understanding Paleolithic societies Pere Gelabert is a biologist who earned his PhD in Biomedicine from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, in 2018. Since 2019, he has been conducting research as a postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology of the University of Vienna. He has established himself as an author of several publications in the field of paleogenomics. In…

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HEAS Member Katerina Douka featured in ‘Die Presse’

HEAS Member Katerina Douka was recently interviewed by 'Die Presse' on her work identifying previously unclassified tooth and bone samples and her methods for decontaminating archaeological material.   "Just two decades ago, people had a fairly simple picture of why modern humans were the only ones of the Homo genus to survive." This picture was based on theories about hunting techniques and tools and fed the idea of ​​superior modern humans who conquered the world victoriously. "But that's not how it happened." We have known that there were other forms of humans since the discovery of the first Neanderthal skull - recognized as such - in 1856, three years before Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species."   Read full article (in German) below: Douka_Die_Presse_Die Geschichte der Menschheit muss umgeschrieben werden _ DiePresse.com_compressed dp.dp_die_presse.28_09_2024

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HEAS members publish new study on how mammals with distant evolutionary ties but similar ecological roles evolved comparable inner ear shapes.

A new study by HEAS members Nicole Grunstra, Philipp Mitteroecker and Anne Le Maître, published in Nature Communications, showed clear evidence of convergent evolution over phylogenetic signal in the inner ear of mammals. The shape of the bony labyrinth - the osseous moulding of the inner ear - remains intensively studied in humans and extinct hominins in order to study adaptation and phylogenetic relationships. This macroevolutionary study of different evolutionary signals in the mammalian inner ear provides a relevant evolutionary context for human inner ear variation. [caption id="attachment_3905" align="alignnone" width="300"] credit: Nikolay Usik[/caption]

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HEAS Member Gerhard Weber’s research cited in New Scientist article on brain evolution

Gerhard Weber recently had his publication on 'Quantum Leaps in Human Biocultural Evolution and the Relationship to Cranial Capacity' cited in a New Scientist article on 'Why did humans evolve big brains? A new idea bodes ill for our future'. The article considers his suggestions that the rise of artificial intelligence might become even less important for humans to maintain large brains.. Barras.C.2024.New.Scientist.Brain.Evolution

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Long genetic and social isolation in Neanderthals before their extinction

Slimak, L., Vimala, T., Seguin-Orlando, A., Metz, L., Zanolli, C., Joannes-Boyau, R., Frouin, M., Arnold, L.J., Demuro, M., Devièse, T., Comeskey, D., Buckley, M., Camus, H., Muth, X., Lewis, J.E., Bocherens, H., Yvorra, P., Tenailleau, C., Duployer, B., Coqueugniot, H., Dutour, O., Higham, T., Sikora, M., 2024. Long genetic and social isolation in Neanderthals before their extinction. Cell Genomics 4. read more

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HEAS Head Tom Higham et al. publishes on Rapa Nui (Easter Island)

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) with its gigantic statues and treeless landscape has fascinated researchers for centuries. A new genetic study published in this week’s Nature disproves the popular theory that the Rapanui population collapsed as a result of an “ecocide”—a human-caused environmental suicide—and shows that the Rapanui admixed with Indigenous Americans centuries before Europeans arrived on the island.   Press Release   Media Coverage ORF

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Maximizing efficiency in sedimentary ancient DNA analysis: a novel extract pooling approach

Oberreiter, V., Gelabert, P., Brück, F., Franz, S., Zelger, E., Szedlacsek, S., Cheronet, O., Cano, F.T., Exler, F., Zagorc, B., Karavanić, I., Banda, M., Gasparyan, B., Straus, L.G., Gonzalez Morales, M.R., Kappelman, J., Stahlschmidt, M., Rattei, T., Kraemer, S.M., Sawyer, S., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Maximizing efficiency in sedimentary ancient DNA analysis: a novel extract pooling approach. Scientific Reports 14, 19388.   read more

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Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Late Antiquity in Dalmatia: Paleogenetic, Dietary, and Population Studies of the Hvar Radošević burial site

Zagorc, B., Blanz, M., Gelabert, P., Sawyer, S., Oberreiter, V., Cheronet, O., Chen, H.S., Carić, M., Visković, E., Olalde, I., Ivanova-Bieg, M., Novak, M., Reich, D., Pinhasi, R., 2024. Bioarchaeological Perspectives on Late Antiquity in Dalmatia: Paleogenetic, Dietary, and Population Studies of the Hvar—Radošević burial site. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16, 150. read more

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